Culture building

A strong and constructive corporate culture can be an important competitive advantage that is difficult to copy. Culture can also be destructive and an obstacle to achieving a company’s goals.


We help companies develop a culture aimed at achieving goals. This is a wide-ranging process that has to engage everyone from the man or woman at the top to new employees. The process will involve working on visions, manager expectations and reward systems, and taking part in attitude-changing discussions and meetings. Processes for making everyone take responsibility will play a central role and we employ a whole range of tools.

Core values and customer promise

There is a clear correlation between a company’s values, organisation culture and success in meeting customer expectations. In the words of Dr Mats Urde, a partner of ours: “A brand can’t be stronger externally in the market than it is rooted internally in the organisation.”

Based on methods and analysis tools developed by Mats, we can help companies define their own identity both for customers and internally. Against this background we can design and implement processes that will crystallise the core values of the company. With unequivocal core values that permeate the whole business, it is possible to formulate a clear, relevant customer promise.